This Boy is ALLLLL Smiles!

Today we celebrated Evan's 5th Birthday!!! Whaatt??!!! How can that be!? 
It seems like just yesterday we met this sweet boy for the first time. I can't even wrap my mind around this little guy being 5 years old!

I just keep thinking about who Evan is becoming; how much he has grown and changed over the past 5 years. I know God is up to something BIG and special with my sweet boy. Evan is all smiles, all the time! He is full of joy and has a huge personality! He is kind and giving, sweet and loving. He is FULL of life and full of LOVE! He is constantly doing flips and front rolls, singing and dancing, and he sure can eat! (Seriously, he eats non-stop!) He loves karate, baseball, drawing, play with legos, and playing with friends. Oh and frogs, HE LOVES FROGS!

Today, I am thankful for my precious Evan! I am so grateful that God placed him into our family and has allowed me to be his mommy! He is so smart, so fun, and so loving!  I am thankful for my sweet boy, for his vibrant spirit, and his child-like faith! He is teaching me so much and reminding me daily of how good our God is!


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