Take Heart!

This morning I came across John 16:33 which says, "I tell you this so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble but take heart! I have overcome the world!" What an amazing verse! We all struggle with different things from time to time and in this verse, Jesus is reassuring us. He is reminding us that having trouble is to be expected but we don't need to worry because He has already overcome the world. We will not be conquered by the trouble within this world because the One who created us and loves us, has already conquered it!

I had to have an epidural injection in my back yesterday. I've had these in the past and they haven't helped my pain. My new doctor wanted me to try them again because Worker's Compensation requires certain "hoops" to be jumped through before they'll approve other treatments. So, even though I didn't really want the injection, I sort of had to go through with it. My pain level has sky-rocketed since the injection. I've had a hard time walking all day today. It is frustrating because I didn't even want this injection. My mind keeps whirling with worry and frustration but Jesus keeps whispering John 16:33 in my heart. He keeps reminding me that I can be at peace even in my pain. There is guaranteed trouble in this world but He has overcome the world. Regardless of what I'm going through, it will not consume me. He gives me peace.

 Thank you, Jesus.

When a friend lets you down, when the pain is too much, or even when you lose a loved one, it will not conquer you. When your family betrays you, when your spouse disrespects you, or even when the doctor has bad news, it will not bury you. When the debt is growing, when you feel all alone, or even when you lose it all, it will not overthrow you. Jesus knows each of our troubles. TAKE HEART, have courage, be of good cheer! Jesus has overcome the world! Hallelujah!

Today I am thankful that even though my pain has been severe, I can still be of good cheer and at peace because I know that Jesus has overcome these troubles and any others I may face. I am grateful for John 16:33 and the peace that it offers me. I am also thankful for the hope I have for the future. I can face tomorrow with courage and joy because no matter what comes, it will not overtake me.

"In this world you will have trouble but take heart! I have overcome the world!" - Jesus


  1. You really are an example of a woman that Lives a Grateful Life. What an inspiration!


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