"Reading" the Word!

While I was cooking dinner I overheard Dylan quoting John 3:30. (He must become greater; I must become less). I wasn't sure who he was talking to so, I came into the living room and I noticed that he was "reading" his Bible. It warmed my heart so much to see him choosing to read his Bible. Not only that, he was remembering the verses we have been learning during our family devotions. As I listened to his little voice, I was filled with joy! 

Someone told me recently that as I teach Dylan to read, I should remember that I have been given the privilege of teaching him how to put letters, sounds, words, and sentences together that will turn into the ability to read the Word of God. I have realized in the past few years how wonderful the Bible truly is so, I feel incredibly blessed to be the one who will teach my children to read God's Word! 

Today I am thankful for the Word of God and the ability to read it. I find it amazing that God provided a written document to communicate with children. Its like a personal love letter! I am also grateful that God is allowing me to teach my children to read. As they learn, they will be able read the Bible and grow closer to their Heavenly Father. More than anything, I pray that Bryan and I will raise godly children. The ability to read God's Word will play a huge role in their spiritual growth. 


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