We can stop digging...

"My people have committed two sins: they have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water." Jeremiah 2:13

I am constantly amazed by how alive God's Word is. I have read it cover to cover but it seems like every time I read, I come across a verse that I've never noticed before. That happened today while studying with my friend and mentor, Jane. She shared Jeremiah 2:13 with me. As I read it, it came to life for me. Its a wonderful picture of how God sees us and the sin we're so wrapped up in. This verse has caused me to have an entirely different view of God's attitude toward our sin.

When I look at the pictures above my heart breaks, but as much as I hate to see these precious people digging for fresh water, it would be even more disheartening if there was an enormous fountain of clean water right beside them, that they were oblivious to. Jeremiah 2:13 says that we, God's people, have committed two sins. We have forsaken God, the spring of living water, and we dig our own broken cisterns. Instead of partaking of the fresh, pure, healthy water that God freely offers us, we choose to dig for dirty, diseased, nasty water. For many people, the digging occurs because they are oblivious to the fountain of water that is available to them. For others, the digging is a form of pride. Numerous people have heard of the fountain and possibly even drank from the fountain but they choose to keep digging. For some reason, they think the digging will somehow be more fulfilling than the living water. That is such a tragedy because the holes they are digging will never hold the water they need.

While reading Jeremiah 2:13 and looking at the photos above, I've become aware of another characteristic of God. After rereading this verse several times today, I truly believe that God is heartbroken. We often view God as angry or irritated by our sin and while that is true to a degree, I believe that His heart is also broken by our sin. He wants so much more for us. Just as we want the absolute best for our children and are dismayed by their choices at times, He wants the best for us and He is the best for us. I guess that would explain why He was willing to give His only Son so that we might become aware of the living water and drink of it daily.

God is the spring of living water. Although I spent years digging my own cisterns with mud all over my face, He provided a way for me to start over; to turn back to Him and drink from His fountain of living water. What a blessing that is! And now, I wish I could put signs up all around the mud pits, so that others would no longer be oblivious to the free fountain of clean water. I want the world to give up on their endless digging and instead, just sit by the spring and enjoy God's everlasting love. That is what God wants for us too.

Today I am abundantly thankful that we can stop digging. Praise God, I am no longer digging my own broken cisterns! I am so grateful that I am able to drink from the spring of living water. I am also thankful for God's Word. It is so alive. It is purposeful in our lives. Because of the Bible, I am learning WHO God is and how much He loves us. 


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