Feelin' the love!

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35

Today was another long day but I was finally able to see the doctor. He seemed very concerned by my condition. He wanted an emergency CT myelogram and spinal tap done but since I am a worker's compensation patient, we have to wait on approval. So, I am hoping to have the tests done tomorrow. I'm praying that the doctor will be able to clearly see what is going on and then easily "fix" me.  The waiting is very difficult but I know it will make the healing even more precious!

Although today was long and painful, it was also restful. My friend, Keri, took the boys with her to Bible Study, to McDonald's for lunch and then babysat them the entire day! As much as I love having my little cutie pies running around the house, spinal headaches and noisy children don't really mix.  So, the peace and quiet was nice.  We also enjoyed lots of nice leftovers from friends who have brought us meals over the past couple days.

 A few minutes ago, I received an email with a list of people who would like to help my family as we continue to wait on healing.  I have folks wanting to bring us dinner, watch the boys, take my boys to MOMS group, transport us from place to place, and even coordinate the help. To be honest, it isn't easy for me to accept help from others but I believe God is teaching me to let go and allow Him to bless me. He is blessing me beyond measure! Besides, the Body is Christ is commanded to love one another in John 13, so I guess I need to let my sisters and brothers in Christ be obedient, don't I? I guess I could say that we are definitely feelin' the love!

Today I am thankful for the Body of Christ. I've been blown away by the love I have received! God has blessed me with a wonderful church family and friends who are more than willing to love on me and my family. It is truly a blessing during this difficult time!


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