Life is short...

A couple of days ago Shadybrook Elementary's Principal died suddenly in his home. I didn't really know him but he did interview me for a position at Shadybrook while I was pregnant with Dylan. He was only 38 years old and has 2 little girls. His death is shocking to all, I'm sure. I can't help but wonder, "where is he now?"

We never know which moment will be our last...are you ready? Where will you go? Will your children be assured that they will see you again in Heaven? Eternal life and true salvation can ONLY come through surrender to Jesus Christ. True surrender means more than saying a prayer at some time in your life. It means giving your life daily to the Creator of the Universe, making HIM the Master of your Life.

Today I am thankful that even though life is short and death can come so unexpectedly, I know where I will be when I go! My children and loved ones can celebrate my home-going because they will know, without doubt, that they will see me again (assuming they surrender to Jesus also). What better gift is there?

Thank you, Father, for the gift of Eternal Life.


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