What is this Fish anyway?

I think every Christian (and most non-Christians) know what this fish symbol represents, right? 

I've seen this symbol on our cars, fridges, and even tattooed on people's bodies! We see this symbol an immediately know that this represents the Christian faith, but do we know why? I'll be honest, I didn't until this morning when our Pastor mentioned it during his message. I'll tell you, in case you're like me!

During the first centuries it wasn't easy to be a Christian. Those brave folks weren't able to walk around talking about Jesus like we do. In fact, it was dangerous to be a Christian and they often had to hide their loyalty to Jesus. So, they used the fish as a symbol to mark locations that were safe. The fish was simple enough that it wouldn't raise suspicion but since believers are "fishers of men" it was the perfect symbol.  It was also used to distinguish friends from foes. According to one ancient story, when a Christian met a stranger in the road, the Christian sometimes drew one arc of the simple fish outline in the dirt. If the stranger drew the other arc, both believers knew they were in good company. 

When I heard that story this morning, I was like "wow!" I had no idea that cute symbol had such meaning. Can you imagine the relief those Christians must have felt when they happened upon a door with the fish symbol drawn in the dirt in front of it? Or how ecstatic they must have felt when another believer finished drawing the fish symbol?

Today I am so grateful for the fish symbol and its meaning! I will never look at that little symbol the same way! It just made me think, when we take the time to learn the meaning behind something, it becomes so much more powerful! Like when I hear the reason someone buys a specific gift, or the story behind a song, or history of antique, those things take on so much more meaning! I feel challenged to seek out the meaning of things so I better understand them and God can use them more fully in my life!


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