They Keep Me Laughing!

That looks like an normal basket right? It sits in our downstairs bathroom and hold magazines and books. When I was vacuuming recently, I noticed something behind this basket. You'll never guess what it was!?

Yep, that's not just one but TWO pairs of underwear! 
Hidden behind a basket in our downstairs bathroom!


I'm telling you, these boys bring so much laughter into my life! I am constantly chuckling! These wo pair of underwear belong to my sweet Evan. This child hates wearing underwear! No matter what type of underwear I buy, he doesn't like it! As you can see, there is a pair of regular "tighty-whitey" type underwear in the picture and a pair of boxers. He hid both! Every morning I ask if he has underwear on and he says, "yes!" Which is true, he usually does have it on at that time, but later on in the day he takes it off and hides it wherever he can find a good place! I've found underwear all over the house!

Today I am grateful for the BIG personalities that my little boys possess! They are all so different, yet so much alike at the same time! It amazes me that God has given them such precious personalities. I am so blessed to be their Mommy! I am also grateful for the laughter. Sometimes if I didn't laugh, I'd cry but usually, they are just cracking me up with their little antics! They make life fun and full of joy! What a sweet gift they are!


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