33 Was Quite the Year! Let's Do This 34!

Today I celebrated my 34th birthday. My sweet family did a wonderful job making me feel special and loved. It was a lovely day. As we walked around the Bicentennial Gardens this afternoon, I spent some time reflecting over the past year and I just have to share it with all of you!

This may sound silly to some but I remember hearing God's voice last year on my birthday. He told me that my 33rd year of life would be special...that something wonderful was going to happen. It made sense to me because Jesus was 33 when He died on the cross, rose from the grave, and ascended in to Heaven. So there is something special about being 33! But I could have never guessed all that God would do in my life while I was 33 years old!

I turned 33 on September 6, 2015. In November of that year, Bryan and I obeyed God's calling to move our family to a new church. It was a difficult decision because we loved our old church and the folks that attend there but we knew God was leading us in a different direction. That has proven to be one of the best decisions Bryan and I ever made. Obeying God and moving to HopeCity has been an overwhelming blessing for family! 

On January 31, 2016, while worshiping at HopeCity and allowing someone to pray over my back, God healed me! I had suffered from chronic back for 7 years! In those years, I had spinal fusion surgery, countless hours of physical therapy, tons of shots and injections in my back, test after test, bottles and bottles of medicines, and STILL, I always struggled with pain. On January 31st, the pain vanished and has not return since! My God healed me and I started on journey of believing God in a brand new way...."For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power." 1 Corinthians 4:20

On Sunday, May 15, 2016, our Pastor shared a message on breaking the barriers and tearing down the walls that keep us from going further with God. I knew instantly that God wanted me to knock the wall down that I had been hiding behind for 17 years. That day I wrote a blog that revealed my biggest, darkest secret. For the first time, I shared about the abortion I had when I was 16 years old. While it was the scariest thing I've ever written, it was also the most freeing thing I've ever done. God allowed me to totally demolish the barrier that kept me from growing closer to Him. He allowed me to inspire others and glorify Him. For the first time in my life, I have experienced true freedom in Christ. I have actually felt the chains break and grace win!
"It was for freedom that Christ set us free" Galatians 5:1a

On June 3, 2016 I was able to release balloons in memory of the babies that I have in Heaven. The one I miscarried in 2007 and the one I aborted in 1999. This was the very first time I didn't feel like I needed to pretend that I only had one baby in Heaven. This was the beginning of healing for me. 
"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:3

On August 20, 2016 my friend Valerie and I placed bricks and planted flowers in the Memorial Garden at the New Life Family Outreach. I had always secretly wanted to honor my babies in this way but always assumed I would die with this secret...this bondage. God had other plans! It may seem simple to some, but honoring my babies in this way was HUGE for me! God knew that, and He arranged it all, and with my best friend, so that we could do it together!
"The LORD has been mindful of us; He will bless us" Psalm 115:12a 

On September 2, 2016 I was able to pray with two precious ladies at our Neighborhood Bible Study as they surrendered their lives to Jesus! I cannot even express the joy that filled my soul as I watched two of my dear friends make such a bold step in their walks with Christ. I am amazed that God let me be a part of such a special occasion!"I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you, that is, to be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine." Romans 1:11-12

As you can see, God's been busy in my life this past year! Those are just the BIG things that I remember the dates for. He has also shown me things that I never dreamed I would see. He has spoken to me and taught me things that I wouldn't have understood a year ago. He has changed my mind about some things and given me peace about other things. He has restored broken relationships in my life. He has revamped my way of thinking and allowed me to to better understand why things have happened the way they did. He is helping me to truly know Him and desire to know Him more. Don't get me wrong, I have sooooo much to learn and I am faaarrrrr from perfect but God has done a mighty work in this past year! He keeps His Word!

Today I am grateful for LIFE! Its such a sweet gift that we take for granted so often! I am thankful that God keeps His Word! He told me that my 33rd year would be special and it truly was! I can trust Him because He is so faithful. He does what He says He will do! I am also thankful for all that He accomplished in my life as a 33 year old woman. If He can do all that in one year, I can't wait to see what He's gonna do in the years to come.

Today, God has shown me another promise for the years to come. This was a special verse that touched my heart today, straight from God's Word. It's a promise for me as I grow in age and in my relationship with Christ! It's also a promise for you!
 "You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever." Psalm 16:11 

Oh what a sweet birthday gift from my Father!


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