Sometimes Christmas doesn't go as planned...

I love Christmas. I really do. But this Christmas has been odd for me. Being at my mom's while we look for a new home has made this Christmas seem a little weird. I don't know, its just different not having a home to celebrate in with my little family. I've also found it hard to get everything done that I normally do during the Christmas season. There are certain foods I haven't had time to make and certain activities I haven't had to time do. I accidentally packed our advent wreath and the family devotions that went with it. So, I printed off family devotions for us to do each night this month and we never got around to doing even one of them. So, today, as a last ditch effort, I made a little nativity scene out of paper and we read the Christmas story together. My boys know why we celebrate Christmas but I just wanted to focus on Jesus for a while, as a family. It started off good. Bryan was reading and everyone was listening. But, after a few minutes one boy was laying on the floor screaming and another was crawling on the table. We played with the nativity for a few minutes, which was nice. Dylan was retelling the story and Evan was saying "Happy Birthday Jesus!" But it didn't take long before pieces of the nativity were crushed into tiny balls and everyone was done, completely done. I just looked at Bryan and said, "This didn't go as I had planned." 
Our Paper Nativity
Reading the Christmas Story
"Happy Birthday Jesus" (He is holding baby Jesus)
Retelling the story....
And the destruction begins...
I realized right then that Christmas isn't about me making things perfect for my family. Yes, it is nice to have traditions, to make delicious foods, to plan the perfect family get together, to buy all the best gifts and wrap them beautifully and to have lovely time of devotions each night before bed. But sometimes those things just don't happen. Sometimes the nativity you carefully cut out and fold ends up crumbled on the floor. Even then, we can still have a wonderful Christmas because we still have Jesus. Without any gifts, decorations, homemade candy, advent wreaths, Christmas cookies, tinsel, or stockings, we can have the most amazing Christmas if we stay focused on the Christ.

As we read the Christmas story from the Jesus Calling Storybook Bible, I was touched by the portion written from Jesus' perspective. This is what its all about. I am His. He chose me. He is with me. That is all I need this Christmas.

Today I am thankful that Christmas hasn't gone as I had originally planned. Yea, I said it. Not getting everything done, running out of time and things feeling odd have given me the opportunity to see that all we really need is Jesus. He is what this holiday is all about. We can do without the cookies, devotions, decorations, and presents. All we need is Jesus. I am also grateful for the words in the Jesus Calling Storybook Bible. I needed the reminder that I was chosen by Jesus. He came for me. Has always loves me, even if I accidentally packed up the advent wreath. I have all I need this Christmas, Thank You, Jesus.


  1. I know many of the feelings you experienced this year because I experienced those same feelings. With the passing of my dad, it was hard to focus on Christmas...the shopping, the perfect decorated home, the special events, and so much more didn't go as planned for me either. I struggled with it and thank you for the reminder of what really matters.


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