Happy Blue Year!

My husband is a big Carolina fan, always has been. My son, however, is a Duke fan, mostly because his cousin is a Duke fan and he wants to be just like him. As an early birthday present for Bryan, Dylan and I dressed up in "tarheel fan attire" and surprised him with tickets to today's game. Dylan said, "Daddy, this is the only day I'll be a Carolina fan!" So, we celebrated Bryan's birthday and New Year's Eve at the Dean Dome. (Evan got to stay home with his Grammie and Popsy.) Everywhere we looked the screens screamed, "Happy Blue Year!" It was a really fun way to end 2013!

During time-outs the screens showed different players sharing their New Year's Resolutions. We discussed what a resolution is with Dylan and he said he'd like to read a chapter book by himself during 2014. As the game continued, I thought seriously about my resolutions. Of course I'd like to lose some weight..that's a given every year for me....but I began to think more deeply, past my self esteem issues and more towards what I'd really like for this year to bring. So, here it goes, my New Year's Resolutions...
1-Pray more 
2-Love God and others more
3-Eat healthier foods
4-Be more physically active
5-Serve Others

We're never more like Jesus than when we're serving and loving others. So, I want be a healthier person so I have the energy to be used by God, any way He sees fit!

Today I am thankful for all the many blessings God bestowed upon my family in 2013! Just to name a few--- my 5 year old son raised over $1,100 for the High Point Pregnancy Care Center, our house finally sold after 2 and 1/2 years of waiting, we visited New York City and Washington DC, and we even bought a minivan so I can tote my kiddos around. There has also been a lot difficulty this year but I know God is using those moments to mold us into the family He desires us to be.  I am also grateful for such a fun evening celebrating. It truly was a Happy Blue Year! Mostly, I am grateful that tomorrow brings the beginning of a NEW year. A new chance. A new start. An opportunity to get started on those resolutions and begin counting all the blessings 2014 will hold.

Happy New Year! May God bless you and your family in 2014!


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