Give it out!

I attended another funeral today. I've gotta say, I'm getting really tired of funerals. As I sat in the church, waiting for the service to begin, my heart was burdened. Not so much for the man that passed away or for the family that was in the church but more so for the family that wasn't there. You see, this family has had a lot of heartache over the years. There have been many hurt feelings and difficult situations. So, at the end of this man's life, some of the family members chose not to come. 

As I think about some of the families I know, I can see the same thing happening even now. Difficulties and poor choices are causing divisions and broken relationships. I know everyone makes mistakes. In fact, some people make HUGE mistakes that impact lots and lots of people. And sometimes those same people make the same mistakes over and over again. On our own, we often can't find forgiveness in our hearts. We choose bitterness and anger. And in the end, it does absolutely nothing but hurt us and others. 

 I'm not at all trying to diminish the hurt, believe me, I've experienced it first hand. The things people do and the choices they make can cause tremendous heartache for years. But I've also seen how the hatred and bitterness can add to the pain when forgiveness could have erased it.

As I sat in the church today, my mind was drawn to Christ and His suffering and His ultimate sacrifice for us. He didn't do that for the "good" people, ya know? He did that for everyone. Yes, even those people who have hurt you. He gave His life for the adulterer, the abuser, the liar, the cheater, the murder, and even the folks that commit those hidden sins that no one knows about. He also gave His life for the ones that refuse to forgive, that refuse to love, and those that place themselves above everyone else. 

What if God were like us? What if he was picky and choosy about which sins He would forgive? What if He only sacrificed His life for those that never made a mistake? Or those who only made a certain number of mistakes? We'd all be in trouble, huh? I know I would be. So who are we to pick and choose who we should forgive? Jesus' sacrifice gives us forgiveness from all our sins but I believe it also gives us the freedom to forgive others because we're forgiven.

That's the beautiful thing about grace--God lavishes it upon us and then we have the chance to give it to others. I don't deserve anything God has done for me. But because of all the undeserved love and forgiveness He has poured into my life, I am able to give it out also!

I have a challenge for you as we celebrate Christmas and a New Year. We've all been hurt, let down, and disappointed by someone in our lives. Consider God's grace and His forgiveness towards you and instead of harboring bitterness and anger toward those people, let's give out grace! Let's forgive those folks who have made mistakes and realize that we're all in the same boat. We all need grace and forgiveness. Honestly, forgiving those who have hurt us will be as much of a blessing to us as it is to them. God is a God of restoration and reconciliation. While the relationships may never be perfect, with grace and forgiveness, God can heal broken friendships and broken families. 

Today I am thankful that God reminded me of the real reason for Christmas. The baby Jesus was adorable and His birth was miraculous but without Easter--without the cross--there would be no reason to celebrate Christmas. I am also grateful that broken relationships don't have to stay broken. Hurt feelings don't have to hurt forever. And anger and bitterness can be washed away. Mostly, I am incredibly grateful for God's grace and for the chance to give it out!

Thank you Father, for sending the baby, who would grow into a man, that would lovingly lay down His life for ALL sinners. Help us, Lord, to be willing to bestow grace and forgiveness to the people in our lives, even the ones who have hurt us so badly. Help us to let go of the bitterness and treat others the way we want to be treated.  Help us to remember that we don't deserve grace either. Lord, this Christmas, please don't let us loose sight of what Christmas is truly about...Your Grace! In Jesus Name, Amen


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