Carrying on the tradition....

Every year as a little girl I would go to my grandmother's house to make moravian cookies. It was a Christmas tradition for everyone in our family. When Dylan was born, I began taking him each year to make moravian cookies with Grandma. He really enjoyed using the cookie cutters and helping her roll out the dough.

Last Christmas, after Grandma passed away, I begin making her recipe for moravian cookies. Dylan helped me some last year but his attention span was pretty short. This year, however, is another story entirely! He is having so much fun making these cookies. He can do the whole process with almost no help. It is so cute to watch him rub flour all over the board, pat the dough into a ball, roll the dough with the rolling pin, add more flour, roll a little more, use the cookie cutters and place the cut-outs onto the pan. Tonight he told me that he was the pastry chef and I was his sous chef. I was so proud to watch him making those cookies! We made 8 pans of moravian cookies tonight!

Today I am thankful for these precious moments with Dylan. It is wonderful to watch him work so hard on the cookies. He remembers making them with Grandma Davis so he is very excited about carrying on her tradition. We talked about her quite a bit tonight and we decided that God probably has windows in Heaven so that his children can watch over their loved ones. It makes us happy to think that Grandma is watching over us as we make her cookies. I'm sure she was smiling tonight! 


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