Thirty already??

"Teach us to number our days that we might grow in wisdom" Psalm 90:12

I honestly cannot believe that I am 30 years old! It seems like only yesterday I was getting my driver's license. A lot has happened since my sweet 16! I've graduated high school, graduated college, married my high school sweetheart, taught 5 years in a public school, bought a home, had 2 children, had 5 surgeries, and most recently, I've become a homeschooling Mommy. Wow, I've been busy!

I have also grown so much in my relationship with Christ and that amazing relationship has become the most important thing to me. I love spending time with the Lord, so this morning, I woke up at 5:30 (yes, in the morning..ha!) to have my quiet time. Because of my sweet kiddos, I don't usually get to enjoy an actual quiet time (my time is usually interrupted numerous times) so this was such a precious time for me. It was the perfect way to begin my 30's. As I read my Bible, Psalm 90:12 popped out to me. The idea of "numbering my days" has become very real to me over the past year. I've lost both of my grandmothers in the past 9 months which has caused life to suddenly seem very short and fragile. I've thought a lot about making the most of each day, making sure those around me know how much I love them, and doing my best to keep my eyes on Jesus. Hmmm... maybe that's what David meant when he said "teach us to number our days so that we might grow in wisdom." When we realize that our lives are but a puff of smoke, we start to act and think differently. 

After reading Psalm 90:12 several times, I decided to intentionally make the most of this day. I decided to be grateful for every little thing I have. Of course, I thought over the big things in family, my marriage, my friends, where I live, the freedoms we enjoy, my health, etc. But I also begin to focus on the little things I take for granted. As I showered, I noticed how amazing warm water feels beating on my back. As I picked up my baby (which I haven't been able to do in a couple of weeks), I thought about what a gift motherhood truly is. As I drank my coffee, I was grateful for the food and drink we have so readily available. As I heard my children laughing, I was in awe of how precious life is (and how humorous it is at times!). As I joined a lovely group of mothers at MOMS, I was overwhelmingly thankful for the body of Christ. As I walked around the Bicentennial Gardens, I was amazed at God's beautiful creations that He allows us to enjoy daily. As I sat on a swing in the park with the wind blowing in my hair, I thanked God for His presence and for the moments of calm and peace He allows me to enjoy. As I sang along to some of favorite worship songs, I was thankful for the ability to praise my Heavenly Father. I could go on and on but you get the idea. These are things I take for granted daily but gifts that I enjoy time and time again.

So yea, I'm thirty, but I'm excited about it! I've grown in wisdom because now I see that no matter what is going on in my life, there is no much to be thankful for. Sure, I'd love for our house to sell so we can buy a bigger one. I'd love to pay off all of our debt. I'd love be able to travel to England or Hawaii. I'd like a whole lot of things but in reality, none of those things are important. When I look back over the past 30 years, I can see where God has lead me. I know that I am right where He wants me. Is there any better place to be? With or without a bigger house or a trip overseas, I am blessed to be right where God wants me. If I really think about it, even the worst day of my life is a gift from God. I have so much to be thankful for! 

Dylan and I enjoying the swing at the Bicentennial Gardens

I love hearing Evan's sweet laughter

This birthday has been amazing! Not only because of the wonderful day I've had with my family but also because God has touched my heart and has begun to teach me to number my days. He has been so close to me today. I couldn't ask for more!


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