A constant battle

"He will not fear bad news;
his heart is confident, trusting in the Lord" Psalm 112:7

At Beth Moore's Simulcast this past Saturday, she talked a lot about fear. Fear is the arch enemy of Faith. We, as God's children, are meant to be walking, talking miracles. We are capable of so much but fear cripples us. We often don't ask God to work in our lives because we are fearful of what He may or may not do. Even if we do receive great blessings from God, we worry about losing those blessings. Because we cannot understand God and His ways, we are fearful and try to control things ourselves. We are in a constant battle against fear.

I know this is true in my life. I spend way too much time wondering and worrying about all the what-ifs of life...
 "What if the alarm clock doesn't go off?" 
"What if one of the boys gets sick?"
"What if I don't hear Evan in the night?"
"What if my back pain gets worse?"
"What if I can't get everything done?"
"What if I don't teach Dylan everything he needs to 

know to be prepared for college?"
"What if Bryan has an accident?"
"What if the house never sells?"

"What if _______ gets mad at me?"
"What if I'm late for _______?"
etc, etc, etc....

That list could go on and on, honestly. I also imagine the worst when I get phone call at an odd time or an email from someone unexpected. I guess you could say, like most women, I struggle with worry and I fear bad news. That's why the verse above spoke to me this morning during my quiet time. I have never noticed that verse before. As I read Beth Moore's list of verses that she uses to combat fear, I realized that Psalm 112:7 is a perfect verse for me to memorize and remind myself of daily. I do NOT need to fear bad news or live a life full of what-ifs! The Maker of the Stars is at work in every aspect of my life...what do I have to be afraid of? He is FOR ME! He's got this! My heart can be confident because my God is trustworthy. I can refuse to be fearful because I know the One who holds the entire world in His hands.

Don't get me wrong, I know reading this verse a couple of times probably isn't going to instantly keep from being so fearful. Psalm 119 says that we should hide God's Word in our hearts and that's what I want to do. I am going to use Beth Moore's list of scriptures to help me in my battle against fear.

Today I am thankful that, although I'm not the only one who struggles with fear, I do not have to let fear win! God has promised that He is with us and that He is in control. In reality, there is nothing to be afraid of because nothing is outside of God's authority. I am also thankful for His Word. It is alive and active! When we allow the Word of God to seep into our souls, it can and will transform us! I know this is true because the amount of time I spend worrying these days is WAY less than it was 5 years ago. I still struggle but God has been at work in me. I'm also grateful for the list of verses that Beth Moore shared. It has already been a great blessing to me. 

Here's the list from Beth...

I hope her list is a blessing to you as well! 


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