The stuff of future yard sales...

I heard something today that really puts things into perspective. Matt Chandler, the pastor of The Village Church in Texas said in a recent sermon that "everything you own is the stuff of future garage sales, junk yards and dumps." Wow. That is a simple statement but full of truth.

We get so bogged down with the clothes we wear, cars we drive, furniture we have in our homes, and even the shoes we wear on our feet but in reality, none of these things matter at all. I have to laugh when I think about how much time and energy I've put into decorating a bathroom or organizing the junk in my closet. These things are so pointless when we really think about it. And if something that belongs to us gets messed up, we get bent out of shape! My mind is drawn to a memory of my car getting a scratch on it or my purse being torn. It seemed like the end of the world at the time but now, I don't even own that car or that purse! We also have endless collections of silly things like figurines, stamps, and old toys. I wonder who came up with that idea? Not only do we focus entirely too much attention on material items, but we pass this trait onto our children. My house seems to overflow with balls, transformers, puzzles, fire trucks, and trains. And guess what, my boys will get more when Christmas comes around and then they'll still ask for a new toy if we go to Target. Half of the "must have" stuff that we buy these days is only in style or "current" for a couple of months. Then, the world tells us that we need to buy another one, a better one, or a smaller one. I wonder how much money and time we spend on this stuff in a year? Its really crazy how much of our attention, time and money go towards material possessions.

I'm not saying any of this stuff is bad. Mostly, I consider our possessions to be gifts from God. The home we have, the stove we cook on, the coats we wear, the books we read to our children, are all blessings that flow from above. However, I do believe that we allow these things to consume us, at least I know I have. When I consider that in a decade or two most of this stuff will be in a dump or sold in a yard sale, it makes me reconsider how much these things are really worth.

Maybe instead of placing so much value on the material things we have, we should focus on the Giver of all the gifts. Maybe we should be grateful for all that we have instead of acting as though we are entitled to these things and more. Maybe we should be willing to let go of some of this stuff.

Today I am thankful for this blatant reminder that all the stuff that surrounds me will one day be trash or be sold for a quarter. It really helps to change my perspective. This life isn't about the stuff we have. This life is about the ONE who gave it to us. When I learn to enjoy God more than the gifts He has given me, He is glorified. I am also grateful for the many material gifts I have been given. The next time I really want a new sweater or wish I could buy a new refrigerator, I need to remember all the amazing blessings I've already been given and be thankful for those things.

Heavenly Father, thank You for all the wonderful gifts You have blessed me with. Thank You for reminding me that all of this stuff will rust and waste away. You are the only thing that remains. Please help me to focus on You. Please be glorified as I strive to keep my eyes on You instead of the gifts You've given me. In Jesus' Name, Amen


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