He can handle it...

Do you ever have a grown-up version of a hissy-fit?  Oh wait, maybe that's just me. 

Well, I'll just be honest. I had hissy-fit yesterday. I guess sometimes I just get so impatient that I start trying to force things to happen. When things don't go the way I want them to, I get mad at myself and frustrated with the situation. It eventually causes me to fall to my knees and pray. I usually don't even know how to pray in these times but it doesn't matter. God knows my heart. He understands my needs. He knows exactly what I'm trying to say and no matter how ugly my fit is or how confused and frustrated I am, He never leaves me. 

God knows we aren't perfect. He knows that we will try to take over from time to time. He knows that we will throw hissy fits, get confused, get frustrated, and even get mad at times.  He doesn't give up on us in those moments. He stays right beside us, pursuing us, and drawing our eyes back to Him. He sacrificed His only Son so that we could enjoy an intimate, life-long, irreplaceable relationship with Him. This extravagant God loves us more than we could ever imagine. He created us, He knows us, His Son died for us, and no matter what we bring to Him, He can handle it!

Today I am thankful that no matter what I'm facing, what I'm struggling with, how I'm acting, or how I'm feeling...God CAN handle it. Even better than that, He WANTS to handle it!  Psalm 55:22 says, "Cast your cares upon the Lord and He will sustain you."  When I'm throwing an adult sized fit and don't even know how to express myself to God, God can handle it. When our hearts are broken by family members or our friends betray us, God can handle it.  When things seem impossible or the pain gets to be too much, God can handle it. When we endure great loss or feel completely alone, God can handle it. 

I am grateful to know such an amazing God. I honestly don't know what I would do without Him! 


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