Hearing the Voice of God

For some unknown reason Dylan has been terrified by the trash truck lately. He has been so afraid that he doesn't want to go outside on Thursdays, which is our trash day. This evening during family devotions he told us that last Thursday when he had to go outside, God whispered something to his heart. He told us that God said "you don't have to be afraid of that trash truck. I am with you. I will not let it hurt you. I will only let it pick up the trash." Dylan's face was so sincere. It was absolutely precious! Then he said, "so, I'm not afraid anymore!"

I know some people think this is silly talk but in my opinion, this is awesome! Hearing the voice of God is real! I honestly believe I hear Him all the time. Don't get me wrong, I often misinterpret Him or get confused about what He is saying, BUT His voice is real! The Bible tells us that believers will hear the voice of God. John 8: 47 says, "Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.” So, for my 4 year old to sincerely share something God said to him, makes my heart rejoice!

Today I am thankful for the voice of God. Hearing Him speak is always a wondertful blessing to me. I am also grateful that Dylan is listening when He hears the voice of His Heavenly Father. I pray that He always will! May we all have the faith of a child and the ability to believe Him when He speaks to us!


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