Not TOO few

I attended Beth Moore's Living Proof Simulcast today with a bunch of amazing women. I am so glad that we were able to go. It was fantastic! The message was perfect for every woman present and the worship was a taste of glory divine. Over 150,000 women were watching this event. There were folks in all of the 50 states, in 96 Canadian provinces, 21 international countries, a closed country, 5 military bases, and even 2 women's prisons. Wow, praise God! I'm so thankful that so many women got to be a part of this awesome time of worship.

I could listen to Beth's silly stories and solid theology for hours. God never ceases to speak through her, to me. Today was no exception. One of the most amazing things I took away from this morning was that God doesn't call us to "fine," He calls us to FAITH! He doesn't want us to live a life that is humanly explainable. He wants to us live a life of supernatural provision. A life that screams that we love God and we trust Him. The needs that we have are an invitation from God for His supernatural provision. If we think we're "fine" and we have "all we need" we are just cheating ourselves. This kind of "little life" isn't what He wants for us. He wants us to live a BIG, abundant life with Him! 

I often think, "oh, I'm fine, I have all I need, there are so many others who need so much more than me." I have to remember that God has an unlimited supply of blessings. John 1:16 says that he wants to give us blessing after blessing. My blessings do not take away from someone else's blessings. God wants to pour out His gifts over my life and yours. I often don't ask because I feel bad for asking or I'm worried that I'll be disappointed. This kind of safe living isn't really living. There is no faithfulness without the faith. I want the supernatural life that God has waiting for me. I need to stop allowing fear to cripple me.

In 2nd Kings 4: 1-3, we meet a woman whose husband has been killed and whose children are about to be sold into slavery to pay her husband's debts. She comes to Elisha to ask for help. And Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me; what have you in the house?” And she said, “Your servant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.”  Then he said, “Go outside, borrow vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels and not too few.  

Did you see the last 3 words? Elisha told her to gather some jars and NOT TOO FEW! She does as he requests and when they begin to fill the jars with oil, there is enough oil to fill all the jars. She was able to pay off her debts with the oil and keep her children safe. What if she had only gathered two jars? What if she felt badly for asking for more jars or worried that 15 jars would be too many? What if she was fearful that one of the jars might break so she didn't gather any? 

According to 2nd Corinthians 4:7, we are like those jars. We are lidless jars! God is filling us. We don't want to be clay jars filled with a tiny bit of oil. We want to be overflowing with His presence, with His blessings, with faith in Him! 

Today I am thankful for Living Proof's simulcast with Beth Moore, the worship time and the message she shared. I needed to hear it. As we "do" life, it is easy to get bogged down and to slip back into a life a doubt and worry. Events like this one are so refreshing and energizing. I needed to be reminded that my God is BIG and He wants to pour Himself into my life. I want to keep that at the forefront of my mind. I want my jar to overflow into everyone around me. I want to look back over my life and be in awe of what God has done! I don't want to even recognize myself. I just want to see Him! 

I'm gonna gather some jars, and not too few, because I believe my God is ready to fill them with Himself! What could be better than that?


  1. Good post!! The simulcast was amazing!! I am still pondering deeply the truths I learned. And the worship was phenomenal too!

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it too! It was wonderful!


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