Man's Best Friend

Today I am thankful for our sweet dog, Mitch. He has to be the most content dog I have ever met! He is calm and friendly and never barks. He truly has been the best pet we could have ever dreamed of having. Bryan and I adopted him from the pound about 10 years ago. He was the only dog not barking. We fell in love with him that day and he has been such a blessing to us every day since. When we brought Dylan home from the hospital,  we were a little concerned  that Mitch might be jealous and not like the baby but he surprised us because the first thing he did was lick Dylan's tiny feet!  Mitch has loved Dylan from the minute he was born (and even before, he used to lick my belly when I was pregnant with Dylan).

They say a dog is a man's best friend. I think that is true! Mitch is Dylan's best friend and a precious member of our family! I am so grateful to have him in our lives.


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