God's Word

During my quiet time this morning I was reminded that regardless of what is going on in my life, I should continually praise my Heavenly Father. I am in a great deal of pain today because of my back/pelvis and recently my doctor told me that this condition is not going to get any better(which feels a little discouraging). I am so thankful that God has reminded me that I should offer thanksgiving to Him regardless of my pain or the situation I find myself in. Romans 8:28 says "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." How awesome is that?! Even though my pain seems horrible and pointless, God is using it for good. When I ponder on that I have no choice but to praise my Lord! Today I am thankful for God's Word. I love that God uses His word to comfort us and change our attitudes; to remind of things we've known for years and to teach us new things.
Thank you, Father, for reminding me today that you are in control and you can use even the worst situations for good. Thank you for reminding me to praise you no matter what is happening in my life!

"Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of ips that give thanks to His name." Hebrews 13:15


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