Making Memories....

We got to do something very special at our house this evening....Tyson had his first bath! We had two very eager brothers helping us bathe Tyson. I was worried that Tyson would hate having a bath because he hates having his diaper changed but he actually liked it, for a few minutes at least. He watched his brothers intently as they washed his feet and legs with a little wash cloth. Dylan and Evan had a great time bathing their baby brother.

Today I am thankful for the precious memories we are making together as a family. All of my little fellas have had their first baths in that little white bath tub. Its so much fun to look at items like that one and take a trip down memory lane. I am also grateful that my older boys are so excited about helping take care of Tyson. They have been looking forward to Tyson's first bath all day. They absolutely love being big brothers and that makes this Mommy's heart smile!


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