A Kumquat?

I am 10 weeks along in my pregnancy today! As I was reading a weekly update on the baby I saw that he or she is the size of a kumquat. I immediately thought, "what in the world is a kumquat!?" I asked Bryan and he didn't know either so he googled it and came up with this picture and many others like it. 

Now I know that a kumquat is a small citrus fruit but more importantly, this picture gives me a good idea of how big my 3rd child is right now. That is so exciting for me! This baby is growing!! Just last week it was only the size of an olive. 

Can you believe that this little miracle is already swallowing? He or she is kicking up a storm too! It's vital organs such as kidneys, intestines, and brains are already beginning to function. The inner portion of the ear is complete so this little cutie can hear me! And believe it or not, this sweet baby even has fingerprints! 

The updates also say that many women will experience some nausea during these last couple weeks of the first trimester. Well, "some nausea" is a bit of an understatement for this Mommy! I've kept one meal down in almost a week. But, knowing the progress this little bean sprout is making makes all the sickness worth it! 

Today I am thankful for this growing baby! I can't believe he or she already has fingerprints! How can that be? I am also grateful for the weekly updates. I love being able to read what is going on each week with my baby. Knowing how he or she is changing is so exciting. I don't know how He does it but God's miraculous ways never cease to amaze me.


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