The gift of Motherhood

Tonight as we were putting our boys to bed, Dylan asked if I would lay with him. This doesn't happen often so, of course, I said yes!

Tomorrow is Dylan's 8th birthday! I can't believe I just typed that number, how can he possibly be 8 already? As I laid in his bed with him tonight, I couldn't help but picture that sweet little baby that the doctor placed in my arms 8 years go on this night at 3:00am. He has grown so much. He isn't a little kid anymore. He is so smart and so handsome. He is so knowledgeable....seriously, he knows more about most things than I do! He is so kind and so fun to be around!

We talked about all sorts of things while we laid there. I'm truly amazed at his little mind! He told me that he would rather get a sneak peak into Heaven than to have a million dollars. We talked a lot about what Heaven will be like. He also said the he knows life is a precious gift from God! What 8 year old says that? He's got such a sweet old soul.  I got to tell him how grateful I am that God gave him to his Dad and me. I got to say how much I love being his Mom (because he doesn't call me "mommy" anymore,) I got to hug on him and remind him that he will always be my first baby boy!

I know these precious moments laying on the same pillow and talking about all sorts of things are probably going to occur less and less as he grows older but today, today I got to have one of the sweetest conversations with the boy that made me a mommy. My heart overflows with gratitude for the blessing he is and for the joy he has brought to our lives. What a special privilege it is to watch him grow into the person God created him to be. What a gift it is to be his mother.

Thank you, Father, for the gift of motherhood. Thank you for this precious boy that you gave us 8 years ago. Thank you for those special moments tonight when we got to share our hearts with one another. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to be apart of Your plan for Dylan's life!


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