The Tow Truck

I heard the greatest analogy earlier today. A KLove listener called in and was talking about Matthew 11:29-30. It says,  "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”  They went onto say that a yoke is a frame or bar worn on the necks of two work animals so that they can share the load while plowing a field. So, in these verses Jesus is encouraging us to take HIS yoke upon us. His yoke is easy and light so we'll be sharing in that workload when we lay our yokes down and pick His up.

The person sharing then said, "It's like we've been pushing and pushing, and then Jesus asks, what are you doing, I've got the tow truck right here!"

It's true. Even in the ins and outs of everyday life, we often forget to include Jesus. We don't mean to but we often try to do it all on our own. We are tugging on the issues of life when Jesus has the tow-truck. If we would just let go and trust Him, He will work handle it all for us.

Since I heard that earlier, I just keep thinking about how silly it would look to ride by someone pushing their car up a hill while their best friend is driving beside them in a tow truck. That is often what I'm doing. Instead of allowing Jesus to carry my concerns and take care of me, I choose to worry and doubt and fret and strive. That's silly if you think of about it. None of my issues are too big for my God so I can stop pushing these things around and let him carry them for me. 

Today I am for thankful this simple reminder of Jesus' willingness to carry our burdens. He is always there, ready to help us with whatever is on our minds, whether its a big scary thing or something seemingly insignificant. No matter what it is, He cares. I am also grateful that even though we often try to do things on our own and forget to take up His yoke, He never stops being willing to come to our aid. 

Sweet Jesus, thank you for always caring for me. Thank you for sharing Your light, easy load with me and being willing to carry my burdens for me. You are so good to me and I praise You! Amen


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