The Majesty of God's Word

I have spent the last 11 weeks diving into the book of Genesis and encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This Beth Moore study on the patriarchs has been amazing! Before this study I always thought of the patriarchs as perfect men who were unwavering in their faith. Boy, was I wrong! This study revealed the truth to me about the patriarchs. They were people just like you and me. They made mistakes just like you and me. They had to make the choice to follow their God, just like you and me. 

To be honest, I've been floored by the drama found in God's Word throughout this study. The book of Genesis is like a purposeful soap opera, if there could be such a thing. There is murder, favoritism, concubines,  lying, true love, loss of loved ones, betrayal, cheating, blessings, and much more all wrapped up in this one book of the Bible. These men, the patriarchs, were just average men. But God chose them and they followed. God used these flawed men and women to bring His plan to fruition. 

As we closed the study today I was amazed to see how God tied so many things together. His promises to the first patriarch, Abraham, were still intact with Joseph. Even though the earthly lives of these men ended, God never gave up on His promises. He was and is still working all things out for good.  Beth Moore said, "It will build up your faith when you realize the majesty of God's Word." That is so incredibly true for me today. As I see how God was weaving together the stories of these men throughout scripture, my faith grows! He was in complete control during the time of Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Joseph and He didn't stop with them. He is still in complete control in my life as well! As I look at these men and their stories, I realize that it was never about the patriarchs at all. It was always about God!

Today I am thankful for The Patriarchs study and the ladies who are so faithful to lead us each week. I truly enjoyed the study and learned many valuable truths through it. I am also thankful that God is able to use any person He desires, regardless of who they are or what they've done. When I've pondered who the patriarchs were, I think I've always put them on a pedestal (because they are the patriarchs!!!) but honestly, they were no more special than I am. God loves me as much as He loves them. I will sit at a table and dine with them in heaven one day. I, too, can be a woman of great faith because MY God IS the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. What a wonderful thought that is! Its not about these men. Its not about me. Its all about God! 

I am also grateful for the ability to learn more about my God. As I read His word and become more familiar with His characteristics and the men and women who wholeheartedly served Him, I am awestruck. My faith is built up as I realize the majesty of God's Word!


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