Easter Week Family Devotions

Bryan and I are always searching for fun, interactive ideas to use during our family devotion time. I recently found a wonderful "Easter Week Devotions" on a homeschooling blog. Its hands-on and repetitive and with a little tweaking, it has been perfect for Dylan! This week we've been learning to recognize who Jesus is.

Monday: Recognize Jesus as King- We read about Jesus' triumphal entrance into Jerusalem in Luke 19: 28-40. Dylan made a donkey to remind us that Jesus is King.

Tuesday: Recognize Jesus as Judge- We read about Jesus clearing the temple in Matthew 21:12-17. We made a braided whip like Jesus did in the temple to remind us of His authority.

Wednesday: Recognize Jesus as Savior of All- We read about Jesus teaching the Greeks and Jews in John 12: 20-36. We made a world and glued it on a heart to remind us that Jesus didn't come for just a few people, He came for everyone.

Thursday: Recognize Jesus as Servant- We read about Jesus washing his disciple's feet in John 13: 1-20. We washed one another's feet, just like Jesus did. We collected a small dish and cloth to remind us that Jesus served others.

Friday: Recognize Jesus as Supplicant (someone who prays)- We read about Jesus praying in the garden in Luke 22:39-46. We will discuss how important prayer is and make a a prayer journal to remind us to pray like Jesus did.

Saturday: Recognize Jesus as Savior- We will read about Jesus' crucifixion in Luke 23:26-49. We will make a dogwood flower to remind us of Jesus' death for us. Legend has it that the dogwood tree was used to make the cross and the flowers are in the shape of a cross to remind us of the crucifixion.

Sunday: Recognize Jesus as Savior- We will read about the resurrection of Jesus in Matthew 28: 1-10.  We will discuss what a sweet treat it was for the women to find the tomb empty. Dylan will open an egg full of sweet surprise to enjoy, just as the women had a sweet surprise with the empty tomb.

Daddy and Dylan reading together

Evan participates too, for a few minutes anyway

Dylan's donkey (to remind us Jesus is King)

Dylan is washing Mommy's feet

Dylan is washing Evan's feet

Our table centerpiece...with all our reminders
(the donkey-Jesus is King, the braided whip- Jesus is Judge,
the heart with the world-Jesus came for everyone, pail with
cloth-Jesus as servant)
We'll keep adding throughout the week.

Today I am thankful for family devotions. I truly enjoy teaching our children about our Lord and Savior. There is absolutely nothing more important! Dylan loves learning all about Jesus and these hands-on activities have been so much fun for him. He especially enjoyed washing our feet this evening. I am also grateful for the endless ideas available on Christian websites. It makes it much easier for me! Easter week is so precious to a believer in Christ and I am honored that Bryan and I are able to share it with our sweet boys!


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