Just to be with you

As I sit here on the evening of Easter Sunday, watching The Bible on the History channel, I stand in awe of the sacrifice my Jesus made for me. Not only did He give up His life for sinners, He also rose from the dead! What an amazing Savior! 

I keep thinking about Mary, when she encountered the Risen Lord on Sunday morning. What was she thinking? She must have been absolutely speechless. She must have been confused. She must have wanted more than anything to understand why. Why would Jesus endure such a horrible death? Why would He allow it when He had the power to heal the sick and raise the dead? Why would He willing be mocked, spat upon, and left to die on a cross?

I wonder if Mary asked Him. I believe she probably did. In my heart, I can hear her whisper, "Jesus, why? Why did you do it? Why would you endure such a thing?" And He probably responded, "Just to be with you."

 We live in a world where people are stingy with their time, money, attention, food, and just about everything else there is. Its just hard for us to truly understand the selfless ways of Jesus. Its hard for us to understand why Jesus would do this for us. I've known my entire life that He died for sinners, but understanding that He died for me and believing and accepting and surrendering and letting it invade every aspect of my life has been a more recent part of my life. I think, in the past, I saw the cross as a more generalized gesture but as I've been praying and contemplating the cross, I realize now that Jesus would have paid the same price for me alone. When I've asked Him why, I feel in Him whisper in my heart, "just to be with you."

I'll never understand it or be able explain it but I am increasingly grateful for Jesus' sacrifice for me. I wish Jesus wouldn't have had to suffer the way He did and many people try hide the severity of the cross but without the cross, there would be no empty tomb. Without the cross, there would be no salvation. I don't know why God needed it to happen this way but I do know why Jesus went through with it. He did it just to be with me and just to be with you, for eternity. He loves us that much!

Thank you Jesus!


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