A Springtime Tradition

Easter is less than a week away so my little family enjoyed a fun springtime tradition. We dyed Easter eggs! Dylan absolutely loves doing anything that involves paint so he really enjoyed himself. Evan, on the other hand, doesn't like anything that involves sitting still so he didn't like this activity very much. Of course, Bryan and I always enjoy doing things as a family!

I also love being able to teach Dylan the meaning behind these traditions. While we were dying our eggs, we discussed that eggs are representative of the new life we receive through Jesus. I asked Dylan, "who gives us new life?" He said, "Jesus gives us new life because He rose from the dead!" Yes!! Yes, He does! And that is why we celebrate this time of year. Jesus died for us and was buried in a tomb but just as new life emerge from eggs, Jesus emerged from the tomb. Because of His resurrection, we have new life! Praise God!

Today I am thankful for traditions. I love celebrating holidays in various ways and teaching my children the reasons we partake in these traditions. I am also thankful for the new life that these eggs represent. We are all in desperate need of salvation. Jesus so lovingly offered His life so that we could be given new life. What an amazing blessing!


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