Time Together

You don't choose your family.  They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.  ~Desmond Tutu

My precious family and I had a wonderful evening together. After the boys woke up from their naps we went to Feeney's Frozen Yogurt for a special treat. Dylan couldn't get enough of the triple chocolate and Evan was a big fan of the orange sherbert. On the way home we were all singing, "Jesus Freak" at the top of our lungs (well, not Evan, he was taking a cat nap.) It was so cute to hear Dylan singing, "I don't really care if they label me a Jesus Freak, there ain't no disguising the truth!" After the song went off Dylan told me that he is definitely a Jesus Freak! I love it, cause' I am too! Once we got home we spent the rest evening tickling each other, blowing raspberries on one another's bellies and playing Hide and Seek. Evan was especially amazed by Hide and Seek! 

I love these little "Jesus Freaks!"

We had so much fun together this evening. I absolutely love being with my family. Its evenings like this one that cause my heart to overflow with joy. Today I am thankful for my family and the amount of time we are able to spend with one another. There are so many families that struggle to find time to spend together but we are blessed with the ability to spend almost every evening and every weekend together as a family. Bryan's job allows him to work from home 3 days a week and to be home by 5pm the other weekdays. Although I would have never chosen to be a stay at home in the past, God has changed my dreams and has allowed me to be home with our boys all the time! I am so grateful for the opportunity to enjoy my family. They truly are a gift to me.  I pray that I am a blessing to them as well!


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