A Cinderella Story...

Everyone likes a good "Cinderella" story, right? There are probably several of those types of stories in the Bible but one of my favorites belongs to Rahab. She was "vocationally challenged" to say the least. She actively spent each day as a prostitute so it was no surprise when 2 strange men arrived at her doorstep, but these men would change everything for Rahab. More than likely, Rahab would have known all about the Israelite army encamped right outside the walls of Jericho and according to scripture, she knew all about the the God of the Israelites and the miraculous things He had done. So, when the Israelite spies came to her house, Rahab told them that she knew God would give them her homeland. Its obvious that she believed what she had heard about God. I can't even imagine what would have happened to her if she had  been caught with them in her house so its pretty impressive that she decided to hide them on the roof when soldiers of the city guard came looking for the spies. They went unnoticed. Rahab acted on faith, believing that taking this risk would be worthwhile for her and her family. She was promised that her life and the lives of her family would be spared because of her heroism. We wouldn't expect most of the people in Jericho to follow through with this plan, especially not someone of this profession, but faith can do strange things to people! So, as instructed by the spies, she gathered her family in the former brothel, tied the red thread in the window, and awaited the impending fall of Jericho. Just like the blood on the door frames of the Israelites on the first Passover, the red cord marked the former prostitute and her family for deliverance. They received not only God's deliverance but also His redemption. 

This is the ultimate "Cinderella" story! Rahab was the town's harlot. She would have been disliked and disrespected by everyone in her community. She was destined to live a life of shame but she believed God and allowed Him to change her life! She was obedient, full of faith, and patient. And as a result, not only was her life spared, but she was also embraced by the Holy Nation of Israel and ended up marrying an Israelite. She gave birth and raised one of the Bible's finest men, Boaz. He is well known as the kinsman redeemer who rescued Ruth from a life of terrible distress. And if you gaze far enough down, you'll see her right there on Jesus' family tree! Rahab and her extraordinary faith are mentioned several times in the New Testament. Who would have ever thought that a prostitute would end up gaining a place of honor in scripture?

WOW! I am simply amazed! Its just like our God to change a disgraced harlot into a woman of honor and dignity! Today I am overwhelmingly thankful for this "Cinderella" story and for the possibilities that are available to us when we believe! Anything is possible! Everything is possible! I am also grateful for the Word of God!  Its stories like these that make the Bible so practical, so alive, so inspiring! The characters in this wonderful book were people just like us. They were flawed and had made big mistakes but God did some truly amazing things in their lives and He can do the same for us! I need these stories to remind me that God is writing the story, not me, not the people around me. God is the Author.... a really good one!


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