The Biggest Treasure

I recently heard a story about a Pastor from a church in Africa. He said that his church prays daily for American Christians. That is a very different thought, isn't it? When I think of those who most desperately need prayer, my mind  jumps to starving little children in third world countries. When Christians in Africa think of those who are in the most desperate need of prayer, they think of us. The reason? Well, the African Pastor said that he believes American Christians have the hardest time, of Christians anywhere, staying focused on God. That's probably very true! 

This afternoon, Bryan and I heard a local Pediatrician discuss parenting, Scripture, and common sense. We learned many wonderful facts and ideas but there was one thing that caused me to have an epiphany. (Really, it was like one of those light bulbs lit up in my head!) The doctor pointed out that our generation, and several before ours, place so much emphasis on building self-esteem that we end up raising narcissistic children. We overload our children with praise and rewards and reasons to love themselves and because of this, they end up seeing themselves as entitled and better than others. Our society is so overly focused on ourselves and what we deserve and how so-and-so should have treated us, it just isn't easy to focus on God and what He desires for us. We are also overwhelmed by TV, emails, phone calls, texts, video games, facebook, twitter, being skinny, being liked, being politically correct, having the nicest homes and cars, etc. I guess I can easily see why that African Pastor would say that we need prayer. 

So, after hearing all of that info today, I was so happy to see that the Bible Story we read tonight for our family devotions was from Matthew 13. It was the parable that Jesus told about a hidden treasure in a field. The field represents the world and the hidden treasure represents Jesus and the abundant life He offers.  In this parable, the individual was not actively looking for the treasure, but when he found  it, the man did whatever it took to secure it. Having this treasure became the most important thing to him, even if it meant getting rid of everything else that mattered to him. 
This parable gave Bryan and I the perfect opportunity to talk with Dylan about making Jesus the most important thing in our lives! We were able to discuss things like watching less TV and being willing to put others before ourselves. I wasn't really sure how the "less TV idea" would go over but Dylan really surprised us!  He said "Yep, I need to watch less TV and do more things that would make God happy. Mommy, let's say a prayer about that." That response was much better than what I imagined. A few minutes later he said the most adorable prayer. It went like this, "Dear God, thank you for this story in Your Bible. Help us to remember that You Are The Biggest Treasure!"

Today I am thankful for the "light bulbs" that God allows to light up in our minds. It is a true blessing to become aware of things that keep us from growing in our faith, like realizing that constantly being focused on ourselves and the things we feel entitled to, keeps us from being focused on the One who really matters. I am also thankful for the parables Jesus used to teach such valuable truths. Today,  I pray that we will be able to stay focused on God and what He sees as important. I pray that we will always remember that He is our "Biggest Treasure!"


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