Dylan's First Date

"You'll be his first kiss, his first love, his first friend. You are his Mommy and he is your whole world. He is your little boy."

That quote brings joy to my heart and tears to my eyes! How true?? These little boys are my world. I have been given the honor of being their first love, first kiss and first friend. Tonight, I had another great honor. I was Dylan's first date.

We got dressed up and went out for Chick-fil-a's "Mother-Son Date Night." It was so much fun! When we entered the restaurant we were greeted by a hostess and taken to our reserved table that was very nicely decorated (it even had cloth napkins!) We ordered our drinks and then our food and while we waited we talked about what it means to be a ''knight," which was the theme of the dinner decorations. Chick-fil-a even had conversation starters and ideas for mothers to use when discussing "knight-hood" with their sons. Once our food arrived, we ate and talked and laughed. It was wonderful just talking with my boy. He is so smart and funny and so much fun to converse with! Once we finished our dinner, we had caricature pictures drawn of us. It was really only for kids but Dylan so politely asked if she would "please draw his Mommy's picture" that the artist decided to draw one of me as well. Next we enjoyed our free ice cream sundaes and of course, Dylan had to spend a few minutes in the play area before we left. On the way out the door the hostess gave Dylan a flower to give to his mommy. He handed me that yellow flower with such excitement. He was so proud to be my date!

Words cannot adequately express my gratitude for this experience. To some it may seem so simple but to me, it was so much more. Now that we have two little guys in our home, I no longer get to spend a lot of quality time alone with Dylan. So, we have both been super excited about our date for days now. Just getting to sit, one on one with him, listening to him, laughing with him, and marveling over who he is becoming, was absolutely amazing. Its experiences like these that cause my heart to sing out to God with praise for allowing me the opportunity to be the mother of these wonderful little boys. Who am I that God would choose me to be their first kiss, first love, and first friend? Who I am that God would pour out such profound blessings in my life?

Today I am overflowing with gratitude for the gift of motherhood. When I was expecting Dylan, I knew I would love him, but I could have never imagined how positively awesome being his mother would be! When I was expecting Evan, I knew that I would love him, but I could have never imagined that my heart would double in size, again, for yet another baby boy. I am so thankful for these boys, for their Daddy who encourages me daily, and for the ability to be with home with them, love them and care for them. As we celebrate Mother's day, I am praising God for the opportunity to be Dylan's first date tonight and Evan's first date in the future. I am also praying for the wisdom and grace to be the mommy that these boys will need, and deserve, as they grow into the men God has created them to be.

I also have to say a big "THANK YOU" to Chick-fil-a for offering such a neat opportunity for Mommies to take their sons on a date! They did a terrific job of making this an experience to remember.

Here are some photos from Dylan's first date...I don't know who had more fun (possibly me)
We're ready for our date.

Look, we got table number 4. 

My BRAVE Knight.

Our dinner together.

Having our cartoons pictures drawn.

Free Ice Cream Sundaes!

We had SOOOOO much fun together!


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