The Hands and Feet...

I heard a truly inspirational story today on Klove.  Amy, one of the morning show hosts, is currently in Africa with Mercy Ships. Mercy Ships is a global charity that has fully functioning hospitals aboard ships. They bring hope and healing to the forgotten and poor. They offer free medications, food, purified water, and surgeries to those who desperately need it. Today Amy told Klove listeners about a woman she met yesterday aboard the Mercy Ship. 

Esther is a young woman who has been seen as an outcast her entire life because of a tumor that has grown on her chin. In Africa many people consider growths and abnormalities a curse from God. It is often assumed that if someone touches the affected person, they too will become cursed. So, not only is she uncomfortable and constantly bothered by the tumor, she has not been touched or talked to in years because of the basketball sized growth on her chin. Yesterday, aboard the Mercy Ship, Esther received an 12 hour surgery that completely removed her tumor. The doctor who performed her surgery told Amy that a similar surgery in the United States would have cost over $50,000. Esther received this surgery absolutely free. With this surgery she also received a new beginning. Without this tumor on her face, Esther will hopefully be accepted by her family and community again. She will have an entirely different life. Hallelujah!

Today I am thankful for Mercy Ships and other charities that are showing the love of Christ in such wonderful yet practical ways. They are meeting the needs of people and sharing the Good News! As the Body of Christ, we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ. That is exactly what Mercy Ships is doing! Hearing these stories has inspired me to do more to be the hands and feet of Christ.

 Esther's story is a great example of a life being changed by God through Mercy Ships. Another example is of a a baby who was born blind because of cataracts. A few days ago Akou Agba's sight was restored aboard this ship! She once was blind, but now she sees!! God is so good! I am so grateful for the doctors nurses and volunteers aboard that ship. God is using them in mighty ways. 

Dearest Heavenly Father, I pray now for Mercy Ships. Please bless these doctors and nurses with wisdom and compassionate hearts. Allow these patients and families to be forever changed by the love shown to them by the Mercy Ship volunteers. May you be glorified through each surgery, each meal provided, and each life changed. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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