The Privilege to Vote

There has been quite the uproar over Amendment One in North Carolina. For my readers who live out of state and/or out of country,  Amendment One was a Constitutional amendment to provide that marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State. I have been very open about my decision to vote FOR the amendment and I have had some pretty rude comments made about me and my decision. Although those comments aren't easy to hear or read, I am not at all ashamed of my vote. I believe that God created marriage and that He defines it as man and woman. I do not dislike those who are involved in same sex relationships and I do not want any one's rights to be taken or to hurt any American family but, I couldn't knowingly vote against the Biblical standard for marriage when my faith is based on the Bible. I have no hard feelings toward those who choose to live different lifestyles because who am I to judge? I also have no hard feelings toward those who voted against the amendment because we are all entitled to our own opinions. I love people and I rarely focus on the differences among us because Jesus loves people regardless of their differences, regardless of their sins. He loved all people but He didn't amend His stand on things as a means to show them love and neither should we.

We are so blessed to live in America. It is a privilege to have the right to vote for our leaders, amendments, laws, etc and this privilege should not be taken lightly. There have been countless men and women who have served and sacrificed so that we may continue to have this right. I personally know several of those brave men...both of my grandfathers, my step-dad, and my brother-in-law have all served to protect our freedoms. I don't want to speak for any of those men but I would venture to say that they didn't serve and sacrifice just so that we could bash one another for the opinions we have. We are never going to fully agree and that is okay! God made us all unique and it should be expected that we will not always agree. However, I do believe that we should treat each other with kindness. To bash someone and call them derogatory names because of their vote doesn't accomplish anything. We can disagree with grace. 

Today I am thankful for the right to cast my vote. Others may not like my vote but thankfully, that doesn't really matter. I still get to cast my vote. Everyone has a different opinion and in this country, everyone has the right to make their opinion count. Thankfully, my vote was one of the majority today and North Carolina will protect the Biblical standard for marriage. I know some are upset with this decision but no individual person made this decision, it was the majority vote. 
I took Dylan with me to vote today. He was so amazed. I let him push the buttons on the electronic ballot and I told him how blessed we are to have this right. When we were leaving he put on his little "I Voted" sticker and said "Mommy, I'm so glad we voted today." I agree with him. I am also glad I voted today. As a Christian, I felt it was important and as an American, I felt it was my duty. May God Bless America and every person who lives here.


  1. Your logic is illogical and I canceled your vote.

    1. You are entitled to your opinion and your vote, as I am. We CAN and should disagree with grace.


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