The Wellspring of Life

Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Our hearts determine everything about us. Our emotions, words, actions, motives, attitudes, choices, and thoughts all flow out of the heart. So, when we are angry, impatient, ill-tempered, blaming others, rolling our eyes, yelling, holding a grudge, fearful, annoyed, or bitter, what does that say about us? I heard a terrific metaphor about this today at MOMS.  Our speaker said "an apple tree is not an apple tree because there are apples on it. There apples on the tree because it is an apple tree." So, in other words, the behaviors we exhibit aren't the issue. Our hearts are the issue. Those behaviors are revealing who we really are.

Difficult situations and difficult people squeeze our hearts and when that happens, all of those not-so-pretty behaviors start seeping out. A lot of times we try to avoid certain people or situations and other times we blame our behavior on those people or situations. In reality, even if another person is 100% wrong, we are still responsible for our reactions.  

Most of our sin is just us saying, "I want my way and I want life to be easy for me." But God has something much better in store. God's highest purpose is not to make us comfortable, wealthy, or happy. He plans to use all the "squeezing" things in our lives to make us more like His Son. 

Today I am so grateful that God is faithful to change us. He doesn't just help us to have victory over one or two sins but to totally transform our hearts. We often don't even know who we really are or if we really love others until we are tested. God will teach us to love. He will change our hearts. He can help us to begin overlooking the offenses of others, showing kindness, respect and patience to those around us, seeing the importance of communication, and becoming humble. On our own we will never be able to change our hearts but 
2nd Corinthians 12:9 says "...My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness." When I think about some of the behaviors and attitudes that have come from my heart, it is troubling. I am so thankful that God's grace is sufficient and He can transform my heart. 

Precious Lord, I thank You that I can trust You with my heart. Please transform me so that Your patience, love, and grace seep out of me when I am squeezed. Help me to remember that I am not here to live a smooth, carefree life. You have placed me here so that the world can see that Jesus saves and transforms even the hardest of hearts. Please transform the wellspring of my life. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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