Sunday School

Dylan absolutely loves Sunday School, or "Connection Class" as Green Street calls it. His teachers do a fabulous job and he has been learning a lot this year. We always ask him what he learned in class and for the longest time he would just respond by saying, "I don't know," but these days, he tells us the entire story they've read each week. Today, on the way home from church, he told us the story from Luke 17 about ten men who suffered from leprosy. They begged Jesus to heal them and He did. The healed men went to the see the priest as Jesus instructed but only one of them returned and thanked Jesus for healing him. Dylan retold the story and then with enthusiasm said, "only one man said thank you! Can you believe that Mommy?"

Later this evening we were eating ice cream with Jordan and Shanna. Of course, Dylan had to sit right between the two of them. I was busy taking care of Evan and talking to Bryan when I heard Dylan's cute voice saying, "but only ONE of them came back to say thank you!" I think it is so adorable that he is telling our friends the stories and values that he is learning in Sunday School!

Today I am thankful for Green Street Baptist Church and its wonderful children's program. Dylan is really learning a lot and he is so excited about it! There is nothing more important to me than for my boys to live their lives for  Jesus Christ. It thrills my heart to know that even at the young age of 3 (almost 4), Dylan is learning who Jesus is and how much He loves us. Sunday School is an important and fun part of his little life!


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