"Hemmed In- behind and before"

I've been thinking a lot lately about how amazing it is that God is completely involved in my life. Psalm 139:5-6 says “You hem me in-behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.” The idea that God "hems us in- behind and before," is so touching. I've heard the analogy that "hemming something in" is like being placed in a pocket with all the edges sewn shut. Can it be true, Savior, that you have me in your pocket?  And that the seams are "hemmed in- behind and before” so I cannot slip away?
God's love for us is so wonderful. Beth Moore's heartfelt words describe this love a little better than I can."God chose the womb where He would fearfully and wonderfully fashion you. God hid you in a blanket of soft tissue and bid your heart to beat. For many days He alone knew you existed. You were His secret. God's own skillful hand knit you together, His watchful eyes gazed on you, His wise counsel ordained each of your days before you squinted from the light of your first. Long before technology ordered the first sonogram, God watched you suck your thumb in your mother's womb." 

Before my mother even knew she was expecting a child, I was God's little secret. How precious is that? He created me and you. He has ordained each of our days.  He watches us, searches us, and saves us. He knows when we sit and stand, when we go out and lay down, and every thing that we are thinking. He has "hemmed us in- before and behind."

Today I am thankful that God has laid this truth on my heart. Truly knowing and believing that I was God's secret when first conceived and that He has ordained all of my days makes merely surviving this life unacceptable. There is absolutely no reason to fear or worry. There is no need to doubt or feel inadequate.  I am "hemmed in" and The Lover of my Soul promises to never let me go. As Psalm 139: 6 says, "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.” 


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