
While working through my Bible Study this morning, I learned that the word "create" found in Genesis 1 is "bara" in Hebrew. The Strongs definition of "bara" is to fashion, shape, or form something new. This verb is typically thought of as "creating something from nothing." Which, of course, is exactly what God did in Genesis 1 when He created the Heavens and the Earth. Beth Moore also shared another verse where "bara" is used. Psalm 51:10 says "Create in me a clean heart O, God and renew a right spirit within me." I loved reading this verse while remembering the Strongs definition of "bara." God is able to create a clean heart within us. Since "bara" means to form something from nothing, I believe this verse is saying that regardless of who I am, who I've been, or what I've done, God is still able to create a clean heart in me.

I had been thinking about that awesome truth when I heard a familiar song on our MP3 player. "Dandelions" by Five Iron Frenzy is a song that Bryan and I have listened to for years. My favorite part of the song says:

"Fathomless your endless mercy,
weight I could not lift. 
Where do I fit in this puzzle,
what good are these gifts? 
Not a martyr, or a saint, 
scarcely can I struggle through. 
All that I have ever wanted,
was to give my best to you. 

Lord, search my heart,
create in me something clean. 
you see flowers in these weeds."

Wow, what a perfect song to go along with my Bible Study from this morning. I'm not a  martyr or a saint and a lot of times I feel like I'm barely struggling through life but, it is my desire to give my best to God. I find it so wonderful that God is able to search my heart and create something clean within me, even though He doesn't have much to work with.  Our God is so gracious to "bara" or fashion something new from nothing within my heart. Nothing I can do, not any good work, or religous ritual creates a clean heart...Only God can do that! 

Today I am thankful that our awesome God is willing to create and see the flowers in me when the rest of the world only sees weeds. 

I took this photo at the beach. What a lovely flower among a bunch of
sand and weeds. Our Father sees that in us and is able to create something gorgeous in a very
 ordinary or even ugly place.

Dearest Father, please create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Help me to remember that you are capable of fashioning something from nothing and that you see flowers in the weeds of my life. You are so lovely Lord. I praise Your name! Amen.

To hear "Dandelions" please click on this link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1g38nMr9qc


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