Its in the details!

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, Easter is probably a very special day to you. I think it becomes more special to me every year, mostly because I've grown closer to Christ but also because I have learned so much more about Him and His life. So, I was very excited to learn some new exciting and very interesting facts about the Easter story today. 

Fact #1- After Jesus had endured the mockery, beating, and being nailed to the cross, He said "it is finished" and then breathed his last breath. The Greek word that Jesus used was "telelistai." This word was most commonly used in relation to debts being paid. During that time period debtors often spent time in prison to pay off their debts. Once they had fulfilled their time as payment the word "teleistai"would be posted on the prison door to indicate that their debt had been paid. How wonderful is it that our Savior simply said, "Telelistai?" He was saying that the debt (the ENTIRE debt) has been paid! He paid the debt for our sin so that we don't have to! Hallelujah!

Fact #2-  An enormous stone was rolled in front of the tomb when Jesus was placed inside. The Pharisees ordered that the tomb be sealed with a Roman legal seal. This seal authenticated that the tomb had been properly inspected and that Jesus was actually dead. As long as the seal had not been broken, it guaranteed that the contents of the tomb were safe and sound. The seal was placed there because the Pharisees had heard the prophesy of Jesus being resurrected so they wanted to make sure no one could get in the tomb and remove his body. I had never heard of this seal before. I have always believed that Jesus was definitely dead but knowing that the Roman officers would have thoroughly checked him, sealed the tomb, and placed guards outside of it gives this story even more validity.

Fact #3-When Joseph of Arimeath placed Jesus into the tomb he would have covered Jesus with a burial napkin and wrapped him in linens, as was custom during that time period. In John 20 we read that Mary Magdeline went to visit Jesus' tomb and when she arrived she found the tomb was open and empty. The burial napkin had been folded and set apart from the linens. This is a significant piece of information. During that time, it was Jewish custom to throw a napkin down if you had completed your meal. If you were not done with your meal, a person would fold the napkin and lay it on the table. The folded napkin meant "I am coming back!" WOW! Jesus' folded burial napkin gives us even more hope. He is returning! 

Fact #4- Jewish people during that time traveled from afar to celebrate Passover. This was a time of remembering how God had delivered the people from Egypt. They would offer sacrifices to God for atonement for their sins. Jesus' cruxifixition occurred during Passover. He, the ultimate sacrifice, suffered and died for us at a time that would have been so important to the Isrealites. They would have been preparing their sacrifices (usually a perfect lamb) at the same time that Jesus was preparing himself to endure the cross. How fitting is that? God's timing is so perfect.

Have you ever heard the term, "its in the details"? I feel like the significance of these little facts make this story come to life! I am so thankful for the Easter story and the details I've learned today. The more I learn about Jesus and His life, the more I fall in love with Him. 

Jesus is Alive!! Because He is Alive, all of my days have meaning! I can rest assured that He is in the details of my life, just as He cared about the details of the Easter story.


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