7 days of Easter

To prepare for the upcoming Easter Holiday, our family has been doing a special activity during our family devotions. We have a basket of eggs with numbers and scripture references written on them. Each egg contains a symbol from the Easter story. For the past 5 nights Dylan has been picking the correct number and opening each egg. We discuss the symbol and read the passages. Each night we have read a part of the Easter story. We still have two nights to go but so far, we have really enjoyed it. 

The 7 days of Easter:

Our "7 days of Easter" basket

Dylan on day 1....our symbol was bread. The passage was about the  last supper.

Day 2:  Our symbol was silver coins. Our passage was about Judas
and how he betrayed Jesus by accepting money in exchange for info
about Jesus' whereabouts.

Day 3: Our symbol was a "purple robe." The passage discussed how
Jesus was forced to wear the purple robe and crown of thorns while
He was mocked.

Day 4: Our symbol was a nail. The passage discussed how Jesus was
beaten, spit upon, and nailed to the cross.

Day 5: Our symbol was pieces of white fabric. The passage told
 of how Joseph of Arimaeth wrapped Jesus in cloths and placed him
in the tomb. 

My sweet boys during family devotions.

Tomorrow we will be day 6. The symbol is a stone. The passage is about when Mary Magdeline visted Jesus' tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away and He was not there. Day 7 will be on Easter day. We will most likey do our family devotions before diving into the Easter baskets. The symbol for Easter will be an empty egg. The passage will tell that the tomb was empty, Jesus has risen, He is alive! Hallelujah! 

Today I am thankful for Good Friday and Resurection Sunday. This fun activity has helped reinforce what the real meaning of Easter is. The Easter story is one worth telling. I am so glad our little boys are enjoying this fun way of learning all about what Jesus has done for us. 


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