Furniture Market

We've been cleaning (for what seems like weeks) to prepare for this year's Furniture Market. Since we rent our house out 2 times per year during each market, we have learned the "ins and outs" of making a house squeaky clean. Cleaning and packing and preparing isn't as easy as it use to be. Having 2 kiddos and a bad back makes it a little more difficult. So, today I am thankful for all that Bryan has done to help get us ready for market. I am also grateful for the ability to spend 11 days at my Mom's house. I always look forward to the Furniture Market because my little boys get to spend 8-12 days closer to their grandparents, I get to relax a little more because of the help my mom offers, and our home gets the ultimate spring/fall cleaning! 
YAY for the Furniture Market!


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