Starting the year off right!

Happy 2012!! I can't believe its 2012! That just sounds crazy!
Me and my boys, starting the new year off right!

I tried to start the year off right today. We went to church, went grocery shopping and bought only healthy foods, ate a healthy dinner together as a family, did family devotions, got the kiddos bathed and in bed, and now I'm relaxing with my hubby on the couch. You might be able to tell that one of my new year's "resolutions" is to eat healthy. While eating healthy is very important, I have also have another "resolution" for the new year. This year I will strive to make every area of my life one that pleases my Heavenly Father! While I know perfection is impossible, I want my life to bring glory and honor to my Lord. By doing this, I believe that great things will happen in all areas of my life. I will most likely become a better wife, mother, friend, family member, etc.  

Today I am thankful for fresh starts! Each new year brings an opportunity to refocus our lives and get back "on track." Whether it be losing weight, quiting a bad habit, saving money, or being a better parent, all of us usually try to start each year off as a better person than we were the year before. This year, I pray that God will be glorified through me and that I will be a better woman because of it.
 I wish you all the best of luck with your resolutions! 


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