A grain of sand or a masterpiece?

Magnified:The grains are shown to be delicate, colourful structures each as unique as a snowflake.
We walk on these tiny treasures!
I recently read a very interesting article about sand. It has been discovered that grains of sand, when viewed with magnification of over 250 times real life, are delicate, beautiful structures. They are all unique. To the human eye they are bland and colorless but when magnified, they are gorgeous. Who would have thought??

This reminds me of how we see one another. We often look at other human beings and see bland, ordinary folks with nothing special to offer. We judge one another and are critical of each other. We don't see the value in one another but God is different. He sees us with a magnification of over 250 times real life. He looks past our failures and mistakes and sees our uniqueness, our colorful beauty, and our value. He knows to look for it because He made us. To God we are each delicate, original, and gorgeous! Today I am thankful that God sees value in each human being that He created. Just like a simple grain of sand, we are each a precious treasure to our Heavenly Father!


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