"Look at all dose peanuts!"

Tonight after running some errands we enjoyed an impromtu dinner out at Logan's Steakhouse. Bryan, Dylan and I hadn't been to this restaurant in years and Evan had never been. It quickly became Evan's favorite restaurant! If you've ever been to Logan's you probably remember the mess all over the floor....peanuts! Peanut shells are everywhere. Believe it or not, Evan loves peanuts. He loves cashews, too. We didn't realize just how much he loved peanuts until tonight though. He chose peanuts over cheese fries and cheese fries are usually his absolute favorite! He also passed up his bread, fruit cup, and macaroni and cheese. He spent the entire time crushing peanut shells, eating peanuts, and throwing the empty shells on the floor. At one point he realized that there was a bucket full of peanuts and he yelled out, "Look at all dose peanuts!" He was so excited! I think he would have stayed there all night just eating peanuts. 

Crushing the peanut shells! 
Finding the peanuts!
Look, I got it!
Throwing the shells on the floor!
There sits the passed up dinner and the pile of peanuts he preferred.
Even Dylan was crushing peanuts for his baby brother to enjoy!

Today I am grateful for fun evenings with my family. There is nothing I like better than spending time with my fellas. I am also thankful for peanuts. I know some people are deathly allergic to peanuts and that has honestly made me a little afraid of peanuts but seeing my little guy enjoy them so much tonight made me glad that God created them. I actually think Evan would have chosen them over candy, he loved them so much! 


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