We are the Clay

Each new year I like to start off with a new Bible Study. My friend, Valerie, gave me this new study by Amy Terry called #Refocused. So far, I'm loving it! It's simple, but very thought provoking AND there is coloring! I love to color but never find time so I really like being able to include this in my quiet time. 

Yesterday we were reminded that we are each designed perfectly by our Creator. Not only did He create us, He is happy with His creation! Even on the days when we don't feel good about ourselves or we blow it big time, God is still happy with His creation. He designed us with a purpose, to pour His love into others. He also equips us to fulfill that purpose. Our beauty doesn't come from our appearance, it comes from living out our purpose in the Father's hands. 

"We are the clay and You are our Potter. We are the work of your hand." Isaiah 64:8

Today I am thankful for this truth. I needed this reminder! I am the work of my Father's hands and HE is pleased with me. He has a purpose for me and is equipping me to fulfill that purpose each and every day. Being an expectant Momma with 3 little boys, trying to recover from a kidney infection, I don't feel like I'm fulfilling my purpose. I don't feel like I'm pleasing to the Potter. I am grateful that my feelings aren't what's true. God's Word is what's true and He says I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. He says I am the work of His hands. What a refreshing way to start the new year!? 


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