God's Appointed Man....

I know I've probably watched the Presidential Inauguration before but I don't think I've ever actually sat and watched intently, like I did today. I'll be honest, I was blown away by the honor my God received during the ceremonies today! I just didn't know there would be so much prayer, reading of scripture, and acknowledgement of God! 

It was amazing to see the leaders of our nation standing at the Capitol building, in our nation's capitol, seeking God and asking for His favor! We live in such a torn time. There are so many folks that believe we shouldn't say God's name in political forums or have the 10 commandments written on courtroom walls or even allow students to pray in school buildings. But hearing men and women pray for our new President and asking God to bless our country, somehow that hasn't been erased. Interesting isn't it? The Inauguration has occurred this way sine 1789. It gives such insight to the way our forefathers depended on God and desired His guidance and wisdom in the leading of this country. For folks to say our country wasn't founded on Christian beliefs, is just incorrect. 

I am grateful that this new administration has begun with prayer. As I listened to all of these different men and women of faith pray for President Trump, I wrote down some of the things they prayed for. They asked God to bestow wisdom, grace, and confidence on our President. They asked God to unify our country, to guide us, bind and heal us, and for justice and righteousness to reign in this country. They asked God to allow our country to be a beacon of hope for human kind. They asked God to allow His favor to be upon us! And, they prayed it all in the mighty name of Jesus!

Whether you're a democrat or republican really doesn't matter. I think we can all agree that our country needs grace and justice and guidance and healing! 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Hearing Americans humble themselves and pray, is a comforting thing! God was listening and is at work! My prayer is that as a nation we will to continue to seek Him and allow Him to heal our land!

Today I am grateful to be apart of a nation that, regardless of what you've been told, was founded on a strong belief in God Almighty. I am grateful to hear our leaders calling on Him today! I am also thankful for a new President. I think its important for us all to remember that just because someone hasn't always been seen as a godly man, doesn't mean he isn't God's appointed man for this time. I am eager to see what God does through this president! 

Whether you like President Trump or not, I ask you to pray for him. He's God's appointed man for this country at this time. 
"Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God."  Romans 13:1


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