The Fruit of the Spirit
While I'm teaching my children, I'm always learning something too. This is one of the many reasons I love homeschooling! God never ceases to teach me through the lessons I'm teaching them! This week Evan are learning about the Fruits of the Spirit during his Bible time. We have a topic each week that goes along with a simple statement for the student to remember. This week his statement is "If we stay in Jesus, we will bear much fruit." As a part of our Bible lesson today we cut all sorts of fruit pictures out of magazines. We talked about how fruit grows from trees and vines. Then we talked about the fruit that we can bear. It won't grow out from our bodies, but from our Spirit. When the Holy Spirit is in us, He enables us to bear His type of fruit! As we were talking about this Evan scooted over in his chair. I didn't think much of it because he's always wiggling around but he looked at me and said, "Do you know why I just sc...