Ready for School!

I spent most of my Saturday getting everything ready for our 2016-2017 homeschool year to begin! We'll be going to our first co-op classes on Monday and starting our school year on Tuesday! I cannot believe that this summer is over but after spending some time in our school room today, I am getting excited about this year! Dylan will be in 4th grade and Evan will be in Kindergarten! (Tyson will be the busy-body that I chase around the house while trying to teach the older two!!) This year is going to be busier than ever, but its going to be so much fun!

Writing Lesson plans!
Evan's curriculum vs. Dylan's Curriculum... 4th grade is gonna be busy!
I'm looking forward to reading these! 
I got our Homeschool ID cards ready!
Evan's Kindergarten wall!
The rest of our school room.

Today I am thankful for another wonderful summer. Although it went by super fast, I enjoyed spending time with my fellas. I am also grateful for the beginning of a new school year. I am so eager to see how Evan does with Kindergarten and I love watching Dylan learn and grow in wisdom. I am so honored to be their mother AND their teacher. I am overwhelmed by God's blessings in our lives.


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