Meaningful Pool Days!

At the beginning of the summer I began to pray that our pool days this summer would be meaningful. I mean, the pool is always fun, but I wanted something valuable to come out of our hours playing in the water. Before I explain the details, I just have to say that our God is soooo good. He answers prayer!

A few years ago Dylan swam like a fish! He wasn't afraid of the water at all! At 4 years old he was jumping off the diving board and swimming to the side all by himself. At some point, a year or two later, he jumped off the diving board and something happened that really scared him. Bryan swam out to get him and although we still aren't sure why, Dylan swore he would never jump off the diving board again and he didn't, for a couple of years! 

Even about 2 weeks ago when I asked him if he wanted to jump off the diving board, he said "NO!" But some of his pool friends started spending most of their time in the deep end and then Evan learned to jump off the diving board so I decided to ask him again. I promised that I would be right there in the water to catch him and that I would even jump if he did. So, he decided to try it. He was scared to death the first time but I was there, ready to catch him, and he did so good! He had fun but was still too timid to try it for a second time. So, I waited a few days and asked him again. This went on for several days. Each day he would jump a few more times and finally he started jumping without me being in the deep end with him.

Today, when we got to the pool, Dylan said, "I can't wait to jump off the diving board!" He spent almost our entire time at the pool today jumping off the board! I wasn't in the water with him. He wasn't scared. He was having fun with this brother and his friends. It was beautiful! He was enjoying freedom from fear!  This was truly an answer to prayer!

Today I am thankful for answered prayer. I couldn't have asked for anything more valuable to come from our pool days! It has made my heart so sad to watch Dylan force himself to stay in the shallow end because of fear from an unknown event that happened a few years ago! For most of the summer he was afraid to go into the deep end with his friends. Watching him enjoying himself and swimming like a little fish again with his friends, brought my heart so much joy today! I am also grateful that God cares about the details in our lives. Being able to jump off the diving board isn't really that big of a deal in the long run but God knew this fear was holding Dylan back so He helped him overcome it. What a meaningful, lovely end to the summer! Today, on our last day weekday at the pool, Dylan spent the entire time jumping in the deep end! No fear! Freedom! Thank you, Jesus!

My prayer is that all of us would see that our fear causes us to stay in the shallow end....our comfort zone....maybe a better name for those should be confinement zones! Our fear keeps us confined. When we let go of it and trust that God will be there to catch us, we are able to go so much deeper! We're able enjoy life more abundantly! We are able to live in Freedom!


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